4. Video Practice

Need to find a partner?
Rank the ways to find a partner from the most to the least suitable for you. Explain your choice:
- ask my friends to set me up
- talk to a stranger in a cafe
- go to a speed dating event
- attend an interesting exhibition
- use an online dating app
- What other ways to find a partner can you think of?
- Which way do you think is the most popular and suitable nowadays? Why?
- Have you ever used dating apps? How do they work?
Watch the video
Watch the video and choose the best summary:
- It was much more difficult to communicate in real life, so Lauren wants to start using online dating apps again.
- Lauren found communicating in real life more suitable for her now. And despite the absence of suitable candidates on the show, she wants to stop using online dating apps for a while.
- Lauren realised that she isn’t ready for any relationships now and wants to have a break from looking for a prospective partner both online and offline.
Key: Lauren found communicating in real life more suitable for her now. And despite the absence of suitable candidates on the show, she wants to stop using online dating apps for a while.
Let’s discuss
- What are the pros and cons of using dating apps?
- Would you like to take part in a show like this? Why (not)?
- How much time does a person need to understand if they have romantic feelings for somebody?
- Do you agree that communication in real life is a more efficient way to find a partner?
A string of words
Do the following exercises to practice the words from the video.
Match the words with the definitions.
Now choose the correct options.
Are you into giving advice?
Study the information about Lauren and think about the ways she can find a partner.

Hey, guys! I’ve recently decided to lay off dating apps because I had a string of pointless dates. Now I want to try other ways to meet a guy. I can say that I’m:
- outgoing;
- interested in football;
- a movie fan.
What could you recommend to me to find a prospective partner?
Don’t be shy and leave a comment 😉
More questions:
- How often do you give your friends advice on how to find a partner?
- Do you follow your friends or relatives’ advice about your personal life? Why (not)?
- Head Over Heels:
- Explanation: To be deeply in love.
- Example: After their first date, he was head over heels for her.
- Lovey-Dovey:
- Explanation: It can refer to things like holding hands, hugging, cuddling, kissing, and saying sweet things to each other. It is often used in a somewhat teasing or lighthearted way to describe couples who are being overly affectionate or displaying their love publicly.
- Example: They became all lovey-dovey during the romantic dinner.
- Heart Skips a Beat:
- Explanation: A phrase used to describe the feeling of excitement or nervousness, especially in the presence of someone special.
- Example: When he smiled at her, her heart skipped a beat.
- The Apple of My Eye:
- Explanation: Someone cherished above all others.
- Example: She’s truly the apple of his eye.

Practice them

Complete the sentences with the idioms from the left.
- After their romantic weekend getaway, she was ___ in love.
- During the movie, the couple became all ___, holding hands and sharing popcorn.
- When he unexpectedly showed up at her doorstep with flowers, her ___.
- Her little niece is ___, and she loves spending time with her.
Key: 5 head over heels; 6 lovey-dovey; 7 heart skipped a beat; 8 the apple of her eye.
Phrasal verbs
- Hit It Off:
- Explanation: To get along well with someone from the very beginning.
- Example: They met at the party and really hit it off.
- Ask Out:
- Explanation: To invite someone on a date.
- Example: He finally gathered the courage to ask her out.
- Break Up:
- Explanation: To end a romantic relationship.
- Example: Unfortunately, they decided to break up after a year of dating.
- Hang Out:
- Explanation: To spend time together casually.
- Example: They often hang out at the coffee shop after work.
Practice them

- After months of trying to make it work, they sadly ___.
- He finally ___ her ___ for coffee after weeks of friendly conversations.
- They recently ___ at the park, enjoying picnics and playing games together.
- Despite their differences, they surprisingly ___ at the team-building event.
Key: 5 broke up; 6 asked her out; 7 have hung out; 8 hit it off.
Speak your heart out!
What do you think?
Answer the questions using the new expressions.
- Can you share a moment when you felt head over heels for someone?
- Has there been a time when someone’s presence made your heart skip a beat?
- Who is the apple of your eye in your life right now?
- Have you ever hit it off with someone you met for the first time?
- How did you feel the first time you were asked out on a date?
- Have you ever experienced a difficult break-up? How did you cope with it?
- Who is your favorite person to hang out with, and what activities do you usually do together?
- What’s your most memorable lovey-dovey moment in a relationship?