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Подойдёт и то и другое. Есть ещё и третье и четвёртое в группе предлогов и союзов в английском языке. Сегодня речь о тех, что вызывают путаницу в головах студентов: despite, in spite of, though, although.
Это предлог и переводим его “несмотря на”. По смыслу с ним всё ясно – несёт противительное значение: Несмотря на усталость она работала допоздна. Проблемы возникают с формами слов после предлога. С этим мы сейчас и разберёмся.
Формулы с despite
- Despite + noun (существительное): Despite tiredness, she was working until late at night.
- Despite + gerund (герундий – глагол + ing): Despite being tired, she was working until late at night.
- Despite + the fact (that) (тот факт, что): Despite the fact (that) she was tired, she was working until late at night.
ВАЖНО! Только после фразы “несмотря на тот факт, что” идёт подлежащее + сказуемое другой части предложения.
НЕВЕРНО: Despite she had studied hard, she failed the exam.
ВЕРНО: Despite the fact (that) she had studied hard, she failed the exam. Или: Despite having studied (studying) hard, she failed the exam.
In spite of
Считается идиомой согласно кембриджскому словарю. Полный синоним despite и по значению, и по форме. Только длиннее – три слова против одного. Запомните это, так не будете пытаться поставить of после despite или убрать его после in spite. Despite – in spite of. Примеры везде буду использовать одни и те же, чтобы было понятно, как одну и ту же фразу можно сказать с использованием разных конструкций.
- In spite of tiredness, she worked until late at night.
- In spite of being tired, she worked until late at night.
- In spite of the fact (that) she was tired, she worked until late at night.
НЕВЕРНО: In spite the fact (that) she had studied hard, she failed the exam. Или: Despite of the fact (that) she had studied hard, she failed the exam
ВЕРНО: In spite of the fact (that) she had studied hard, she failed the exam. Или: In spite of (Despite) having studied (studying) hard, she failed the exam.
“In spite of yourself” – помимо своей воли, я бы перевела. Объяснение из словаря: It is used when you do something that you do not intend to do and are trying not to do:
She started to laugh, in spite of herself.
Although & (even) though
Все три формы имеют то же значение уступки, что и despite и in spite of (хотя), но образуют другую грамматическую конструкцию: после них всегда идёт связка “подлежащее + сказуемое“. По форме – это то же самое, что despite (in spite of) the fact (that).
- Although she was tired, she worked until late at night. (Despite (in spite of) the fact (that) she was tired, she worked until late at night).
- Though she was tired, she worked until late at night. (Despite (in spite of) the fact (that) she was tired, she worked until late at night).
- Even though she was tired, she worked until late at night. (Despite (in spite of) the fact (that) she was tired, she worked until late at night).
НЕВЕРНО: Although (though/even though) having studied hard, she failed the exam. Или: Although her studies, she failed the exam.
ВЕРНО: Although (though/even though) she had studied hard, she failed the exam.
NB: though может употребляться как наречие со значением despite this (тем не менее, несмотря на это), и в этом случае ставится в конце смысловой фразы и отделяется запятой: She hasn’t come. She promised she would, though. We were classmates. I haven’t seen him since uni, though. Вполне заменяемо на “but” (“но”). We were classmates, but I haven’t seen him since uni.
Кстати, Even though – an idiom – идиома.
Проверьте себя
Practice 1
Поставьте подходящий предлог (союз/идиому) в пропуски.
Task 2
Now paraphrase the given sentences.