3. Where to go, what to see?
Museum Island
In today’s lesson, you’ll go around some places of attraction in Germany. We’ll start with a beautiful city of Munich and then proceed to other interesting destinations. To enjoy it more, you’ll need to remember some useful words and expressions too. Let’s go.
From this video, you’ll get the things to know before you go to Munich, including the best time to visit Munich, how to get to Munich and tips for getting around Munich; perfect for those planning a trip to Munich, Germany. We also share the typical prices in Munich and then tips for saving money in Munich, so you know how to visit Munich on a budget. Lastly, we share the best things to do in Munich and the best Munich attractions so you can have an amazing trip.
So, watch the video and comment on the following:
- the best time to visit Munich,
- how to get to Munich and tips for getting around Munich,
- the typical prices in Munich and then tips for saving money in Munich
- the best things to do in Munich,
- the best Munich attractions
Record your answer. Speak loudly and clearly.
Important: this device works with Google Chrome only.
Get to know some other places of interest
Start with the vocabulary. Read the words and expressions and see if you understand them. Then do the exercises.
Cologne’s Cathedral

Cologne’s Cathedral:
impressive landmark, masterpiece, according to, imposing façade, magnificent interior, enormous, features, include, stained glass, Chapel, valuable, lived through, undamaged, scenery, viewing platform, entrance fee
Do you understand them?
Find the definitions of the words.
The Black Forest

The Black Forest:
highland, densely, wooded, extends, paradise, hiking, facilities, attractive, resort, spectacular
Match the words to their definitions.
Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle:
quaint, alpine, picturesque, royal, fortress, iconic, theme park, guided tours, sumptuous.
Match the words and their meanings.
Museum Island

Museum Island:
significant, pedestrian, wealth, antiquity.
The pairs of words and their definitions are split. Find the lost half.
Remember them all
Let’s go and see them
Record yourself
- Which attraction did you most like? Why?
- Would you like to visit them? Why (not)?
Record your answers. Speak loudly and clearly.